Sunday, July 1, 2012

This Is What Happens When I'm Gone For Four Days

I was in NYC for work earlier this week, and upon my return I discovered someone had stolen all the spoons.

Apparently the bowls and glasses were also popular. The mugs and plates...not so much...

Luckily, I found all the missing items.

OK, in reality the dishes didn't look like this when I returned. Everything was a bit....dirtier...

It reminded me of my sister E, who refuses to wash pots. (We are unsure why. We don't believe there was any childhood trauma surrounding washing pots.) As such, when her husband returns home from a business trip the sink is full of pots. What a lovely welcome home present!

To be fair, The Farmer did apologize the moment I got home. I think it was the second thing he said to me while we were still in the driveway.

"Sorry about the dishes."


But to be fair, he wasn't just using spoons, bowls, and glasses. I did also find this upon my return to the Jungle House...

Don't recognize the room? Perhaps this will help...

It's amazing what a little paint will do.

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