Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Bit of Frosting and Popcorn

The Farmer and I have differing ideas of style. Me? I like colors and a bit of simplicity. The Farmer? He wants all the walls white and "a bit of frosting". You know...curly-cues and such. He is a true Swiss (he would love to live in a chalet if I would let him), while my Scandinavian straight lines come through a bit more. But since he's letting me paint the house (though he's confused by the number of different paint cans now in the middle of the dining room), I'll let him keep a few of the curly-cues.

Such as the ones in the Pool Room.

But first we have to scrape the popcorn because yes, the moulding has been textured.

Really? The ceilings weren't enough? You had to potentially ruin the woodwork?

So we set out to see if this was salvagable.

Don't you have scaffolding in your house? We do.

Fortunately the initial scraping went well.

Next steps will be wash, use the buffer, then oil the wood underneath.

Anyone is welcome to come and help.

I'll bring the frosting and popcorn.

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