Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Buckin' Hay (+ Bonus: A**less Chaps)

Two nights ago the back silage field looked like this:

The Farmer had filled the silo and decided to turn the rest into hay. So he cut...and he cut...and he cut. This little field that "usually doesn't produce much" was thick and deep with grass. 475 bales worth.

The Farmer wasn't quite ready for haying season just yet. Yes, some of the machinery was up and running, but not the hay wagon. The Farmer didn't want to test fate and so he and the Neighbor Kid (who's not really a kid as he's 20-ish, but neighbor man sounds wierd) bucked some hay.

I drove the truck.

But first The Farmer had to put on his a**less chaps.

I like a**less chaps.

And I can't believe my life now includes them. 

I think The Farmer is annoyed I'm taking his picture here. But really? I had to get the chaps!

The boys are going to get a good workout on this one...

Yes, I was driving and taking photos.

But I was only going about 1 mile an hour, if that. And I was wearing my seatbelt.

I think.

And even when you pick up all the bales, there is more to do tomorrow.

Stian (The Neighbor Kid)

At the end The Farmer and Stian then had to tie things up. The puffy white clouds don't aid in the process, but they make everyone feel better.

At this point The Farmer said, "You'll want to get a picture of this." This is code for "I'm going to do something really cool and manly here."

It was.

Of course afterwards The Farmer wanted to know "if I got it".


"Oh, I thought you would have taken a movie."

"Uh. I would have, but it all happened in about 3.4 seconds and you didn't tell me what you were doing."

Next time I'll be better at reading his mind.

This all took about 45 minutes.

Those boys are good! (and stinky)

While the trailer and the truck were loaded down with hay, we still left about 70 bales on the ground. So The Farmer and Stian moved bales into nice neat rows.

For tomorrow.


  1. Are there ass-covering chaps?

  2. Wonderful work, men, and the photo-driver. Must be very satisfying...thanks for posting....xxoo

  3. Alice hit upon my question --- I have never seen them with an ass, but then I have only seen them at the SF Pride Parade. ;-)
