Saturday, April 12, 2014

The New Herdsman

It's been a while since I posted, but with good reason...we've been training a new herdsman. He arrived three weeks ago on March 21st.

We are in love.

The Farmer threatened that he was going to roll the new herdsman around in the mud upon arrival. I managed to negotiate "at least a week". Yes, we live on a farm but let's not push things too much.

So earlier this week the cows finally went out after a long winter. In farm terms, this is a big deal!

And the new herdsman was ready ...

The Farmer was excited to introduce him to the ways of the farm.

His first task...bringing in the cows...

The new herdsman slept through the entire thing. 

The Farmer has some work to do with this one...but I don't think he minds teaching him in the days and years ahead.

Again, we are in love.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Anna, thanks so much for the glimpse into you and the farmer's new world. Just heavenly! xxxooo
