Tuesday, April 29, 2014

127 Outtakes

In 36 days we have amassed 1298 photos of The Herdsman.

I'm serious. I counted them on iPhoto. I've attempted to organize them - March, April, March from Mom, To Print, Announcement, etc. etc. It's just resulted in a mass of photos everywhere...over here, over there, down here, up here, sideways.

I hope I just manage to print a few.

Of course, some of the 1298 photos look like this:

Note to self: don't print these particular photos.

Besides the obvious reason for taking so many photos - The Herdsman is just so stinkin' CUTE - , approximately 1134 of the photos are a result of my new camera, which allows you to press down the shutter button and take a series of photos. One click and voila!, you have 57 snapshots to sort through and find the ONE good one. 

This, my friends, is priceless. 

While The Herdsman is obviously very smart, he's yet to respond to the "look over here" command. I think that develops in week seven, right?

And yes, I realize that this feature of cameras has been around for years, but my old camera has perfectly useable, thankyouverymuch, so why purchase a new one? And yes, I know that my smart phone is so smart it can take photos, but I seem to be relegating it to taking photos in Home Depot of building materials, along with the corresponding price sticker for reference. A stove purchase hinged on one of those photos a few months back...

Last week I might have used this new fangled camera feature to excess.

128 photos.
5 minutes.
1 cranky baby.

I was attempting to get a One Month photo of The Herdsman. 

Here's the One Week photo:

Yes, he was cranky for that photo shoot too.

His very cute outfit was compliments of The Farmer, who purchased it once The Herdsman arrived. My dad purchased all our "going home" outfits after we were born and the tradition has continued. The Farmer did a great job of picking out an outfit, in my opinion.

Last week's photo shoot produced the following One Month photo:

None too happy...

And I know you are wondering if really this was the BEST photo. His eyes are closed. His hands and feet are a bit blurry. He looks ready to belt out a loud screech. 

But yes. Yes. This is the best photo.

He *IS* only one month old.

But to provide a bit more entertainment and viewing of cuteness, take a look at the outtakes. Oh, the outtakes...they are the good stuff...

I think this is the ceiling...

Eyes! Open eyes!

This might have been the best photo of the lot, had I managed to get the lamb and sign in the frame.

Oh well. I have 127 other photos of peruse.

1 comment:

  1. These are such precious shots! One day Little J will thank you for taking so many (or perhaps he will break your camera! ;-))
