Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Jacques Cousteau's middle name is Yves.
A ball of yarn is also called a skein.
Athena's symbol is an owl.

Evenings on The Farm usually revolve around the daily crossword. Yes, even Friday nights...accompanied by homemade pizza. We know how to live it up around here!

As dinner winds down (or sometimes as it starts), the pencil - no pens allowed - comes out and we hover over the crossword, usually on page three of the sports section of our local paper. OK, in reality the Farmer hogs the crossword at first until I gently pull it a few inches towards me so I can offer my advice.

Possible answers are written next to clues.
Questions are posed over the clinking of dishwashing.
Groans escape our mouths as a particularly bad clue/answer reveals itself.
Swearing occurs when one of us struggles with a clue only to have the other exclaim with glee and ease the correct word.

And yes, occasionally the smart phone comes out to check on an answer or spelling. But only occasionally, mind you. This is the crossword...sacred little cheating allowed.

This past week The Farmer introduced The Herdsman to the crossword.

I'm not sure The Herdsman truly understood the importance of the crossword at this moment. Nor was he very helpful during his first evening of crosswordy-ness. But the Farmer was undaunted, reading clues aloud to the captive audience that lay in his arms.

The Herdsman was fascinated.

Let the dinner tradition continue!

(and be still my heart...)

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