Thursday, April 24, 2014

Things I've Accomplished Today

Ate half my breakfast
Remembered to take my prescriptions
Turned off the alarm that I've set to tell me to take my prescriptions
Received a box for The Herdsman with a sock monkey inside (thank you, cousin K!)
Washed down my bedroom wall to rid it of pee
Changed someone's wet outfit...including a slightly damp hat
Pulled laundry out of the dryer from yesterday
Folded laundry I pulled out of the dryer three days ago
Thought about making myself a cup of tea
Found my camera...just in time to take smiling crying pictures during tummy time
Strapped The Herdsman into his car seat without waking him up
Read three chapters of Mockingjay while rocking back and forth
Read part of a fourth chapter out loud to a small but captive audience
Competed in a staring contest...and lost
Put The Herdsman's socks on...eight times
Written this blog post with one hand

So when I see a beautiful photo of my cousin R with her new little one (The Herdsman looks forward to playing with you, Little D!), I'll admit the first thing I thought was "Hey, R got to take a shower today!"

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