Saturday, March 30, 2013

Magic Words

There are lots of magic words.

I love you.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
You won the lottery.

But who knew that five magic words in my life would also be "The cows went out today."

On my walk to the barnyard this morning things looked a bit different.

See? Those black and white specks in the distance?

The cows went out today. 

Ooh! I was happy to see them, but not as much as they were happy to be out there.

Nor as happy as The Farmer was that the cows went out this morning. Because the cows being out means they can feed themselves. Of course, this means I'm out of a job as I drove the SkidSteer every morning to help feed them. I think I'll be OK. It's good to take a hiatus...until next year.

Since I didn't have a job this morning I came over to the barnyard to take photos of the "cows jumping around". Yes, cows jump around. Not quite over the moon but they do jump. Especially when they get to finally go outside.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of jumping cows. They'd all settled down by the time I arrived. Because, well, they have a lot of grass to eat! And some, I'm sure are determined to eat it all today. 

Just don't tell the heifers that their friends are out in the pasture. There might be a stampede.

(Don't worry...they get to go out this afternoon.)

Oh, and my quote of the morning? "There's poop in new places." 

Yes, yes there is. So watch where you walk out by the hay barn.

The cows went out today.