Thursday, May 31, 2012

Our New Welcome Mat

After that last post you might be confused. Heck, I'm confused most of the time with what we are doing to The Jungle House. Where'd that wall go? What's that new wall for? What the heck are you doing?

We're breaking things down to the studs.


Here's our old front door:

By the way, when we got the keys to the house we didn't get the keys to these doors. The locksmith couldn't figure out how to change the lock. "Umm. That's your job" were our first thoughts, followed by some savory phrases towards the locksmith and the bank. Because the other rule that because it was a foreclosure home, Fannie Mae doesn't give the new homeowners the old keys. Instead they charge a Re-Key fee of $200. We thought we'd get all the keys with that $200.

Luckily, the neighbor whose daughter used to own the home had an old set of keys. This, while helpful, does not help the argument of "new owners = new keys because you don't know who has keys". While we were planning to change out this door and we had keys for the back door, the principle of the matter made us want those keys. We never got them.

So we created a new door.

OK, in reality, the lack of keys did not impact the new placement of the front door. The fact that no one used the front door meant it needed a new location. (And we wanted to make that huge living room into our bedroom, but we'll get to that later.)

So we turned the old first floor bedroom into the new entry!

And the old entry?

My new walk-in closet! (I've never had a walk-in closet.)

We look forward to putting out the welcome mat for everyone soon. But for the moment, the first step is a doozy.

(The green door is a construction door to keep out all the riff-raff. The real fancy schmancy door to come later!)

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