Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tear Down This Wall

I'm channeling Ronald Reagan.

So I returned from a business trip and The Farmer and his friends met me at the front door of the garage (we are living above the garage, did I forget to tell you?) and he was quite adamant that we needed to show them the house.


OK...Can I put down the grocery bags and dinner I brought home? (Thank goodness for grocery store rotisserie chickens...)

I found out why he needed to show the house. Now.

It looked like this:

The conversation upstairs apparently had gone like this:

"Oh. She's home. She doesn't know about the house."

Yep. I didn't know about the house. All The Farmer said was that the plumber had been to the house while I'd been gone.

Well, yes, it appears that the plumber has been here.

Along with a few other worker-type people.

While I was away The Farmer and the Contractor got started. Really started. And according to The Farmer one of the conversations went like this:

"OK. You've got four days until she comes home, so go to it."

"Got it."

Gee. Thanks, babe. You make me sound like I'm going to come in and start changing things around. While I *was* a bit surprised when I came home and found lots of holes in things and new framing for walls, I'll leave this construction stuff to the experts.

I'll just watch and be thrilled about all the new and exciting changes.

But I did move this wall by 9:00 am the next two feet.

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