Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Ultimate Ikea Hack

Welcome to our old front door. Yes, this is the one that we didn't have any keys for. Yes, this is the door that wasn't anywhere near the living space. Yes, this was the door no one used.

But for the past six-plus months it looked like this...

Or, in reality, it looked like this...

Not quite my dream closet. 

But in our defense we had other things going on.

A first-year anniversary party.
A septic tank that came out of its hole in the yard.
A laundry room.
A deck.
A changing room.

And perhaps most importantly...

Rain. Lots and lots of rain.

It seemed like everytime we had a free afternoon to drive into Portland to visit a certain Swedish store it rained. And while us PNW'ers don't melt in the rain, cardboard boxes in the back of your truck for the 90 minute drive back to the Island do. It came to be somewhat of an inside joke, this Sweden vs rain battle. And rain won all winter and spring.

Until now.

Of course, at first it seemed like Sweden was winning...

Success! The first step to a closet. It doesn't seem like much, but after eight months this is a major accomplishment.

Hello, corner unit base!

I worried a bit that these were all the unused parts. Really? But The Farmer assured me they were all for the doors, and we weren't installing doors.


But we kept them anyways. Just in case.

Now at this point I had the very important job of holding the top of the closet unit while The Farmer got the side piece into the closet and into place. But, of course, he thought it quite funny that I was stuck there holding this piece above my head. So he stopped to take a photo...and declare he needed a break.

I'm still smiling, but I might have yelled at him to hurry up at this point. 

I think he is getting me back for all those photos I take of him. But really?!%!$!$!?? My arms hurt. 

I forgave him because this is usually what I got to look at during the installation. 

It's kinda cute, his backside.

(I'm soooo in trouble right about now...)

While staring at his backside, I also had the very important task of sticker removal. Really, Sweden? You had to put these stickers on every piece?

Yes, don't let the closet fall on you. This is bad. (*public service announcement, courtesy of Sweden)

Hey! It's starting to look like a closet!

And hey! There's that cute Farmer backside again! (Couldn't help myself...)

Of course we had to test out our construction skills with a few items. And I promise we have more clothes that this.


Now this is the ultimate Ikea hack! (and yes, I realize a hack technically is turning an item into something else, but hey...a front door to a closet...I think that counts!)

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