Monday, June 10, 2013

The Monday Moo Report: Jiggles

Meet #661. 

Otherwise known as #28. 

Otherwise known as Jiggles.

She really wasn't interested in posing for the camera as she had better things to do this morning...such as eat! And boy does she like to do that!

Contrary to what you might think, she was not given her moniker because of any moonlighting she does at the local - um - evening establishment for those wishing to - um - see some good - um - dancing. 

(Let's move on...)

Now her name does come from the fact that she does like to dance. She has some good moves.

She struts her stuff and jiggles for you...when she wants more grain. Yes, I did mention she likes to eat? Well, in #28's case this means that when she is finished with her grain during milking she will move and jiggle around in her stall until you feed her another bit of grain. She can make quite the ruckus to ensure her demands are met.

So, alas, no posing for the camera. She's busy doing her favorite thing in the world.

Let's not disturb her.

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