Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I've Met My Match

This is our closet. After six long months after we "finished" the house renovations and over a year since we got hitched, we finally have a proper closet

After just one week of sharing a closet with The Farmer, I've learned some new things about him.

At first glance at his side you realize he has a lot of blue shirts. And red. Or, in his terms, crimson. And yes, these colors dominate his wardrobe. That said, even he found the number of blue button-up shirts he owned amusing.

From my side you note that yes, my clothing is in color-coded order. I fully acknowledge that I am anal when it comes to things like this. I fully acknowledge that I am an off-the-charts "J" on the Myers-Briggs Indicator. I once was the "example" of a "J" during a Myers-Briggs presentation. The question they posed to me (after looking at my results) in front of the class actually was for me to describe my closet. I think I got as far as "Well, all the hangers are facing the right way..." and the class burst out laughing. Doesn't everyone hang their clothes with the hangers the RIGHT way? Duh.

So, yes, the shirts progress white to black, left to right, and then the jackets, white to black, left to right. And yes, tank tops are on the left within the color section, followed by short sleeve, and then long. 

Hello, my name is The Brunette and I am anal.

As you look closer at my closet you will note that yes, all the hangers are facing the right way and yes, all of them are plastic. 

But (gasp!), they are all different colors! Why not all white? Or black? Or...?

There is an easy answer to this, my friend.

You see, if I just had white hangers and then for some reason had a stray blue on in the mix this would be torture. Plus...why white? What color do I choose? 

White...easy to find. Lots of them. But make sure they are white. Not cream. 

Green. A favorite color. But lots of shades. I'd have to stick to one shade to ensure uniformity.

And red. This would be even worse because one company might make the red color slightly different. And different from green where you could fake it and say you wanted kelly green and forest green and sage green, red is red. There are no shades. Horrible.

The solution? Keep the uniformity of the plastic and the same TYPE of hanger, but declare all colors are acceptable! The rainbow of colors solves all problems of the one sore thumb sticking out!

Problem solved.

I have taken this tactic to other parts of my home. 

This is why my dishes look this way. 

They match because they are all different. And random. There are three orange bowls yet just one cream one. I couldn't have the same number of everything because what if one broke? Or I had an extra of a color? Would I just have to hide the third-wheel of plate color?

I need help. 

(Side note...My sister E bought the cream bowl and plate because she wanted to use that color when she visits. The Farmer refers to these dishes as E's dishes. But yes, we use them when she's not around. And yes, she gets to use them every time she visits.)

But people, I think I have met my match.

Take a closer look at The Farmer's side of the closet.

Do you see them?

Look closer.

They are all the same type of hanger.

They all are hung the right way.


Be still my heart.

And watch out, Dear Farmer...

I just did the laundry. 

And these are your shirts.

You have met your match.

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