Friday, August 17, 2012

Tombstone Willie

The last weekend of July (I know, I'm a bit late but hey, we've been remodeling a house. No, a Jungle House) is the Burk****** Family Reunion. It, second to Thanksgiving, is my favorite holiday.

It's fairly easy to get to the Reunion. You turn at Willie's Tombstone. (Then you turn at the barn, but this post is not about that turn. It's about the first.)

Willie's Tombstone? Who's Willie? And why does he have a tombstone?

First, there's the tavern.

And why does the tavern spell Willie wrong? Willey? Really...

But across the street from the tavern, is the real Tombstone Willie. The Willie you probably have never heard of, unless you live in SW Washington.

This is the "turn here for the Reunion" heritage marker.

So, Willie, along with Lewis & Clark (who dominate the plethora of other heritage markers here in the area), came West.  

A bit morbid, for sure, but here's to you, Willie...

You made it West to this spot.

And you are the annual marker for the Reunion. My second favorite holiday of the year.

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