Thursday, August 2, 2012

There's No Crying Over Front Doors...

I'm channeling Tom Hanks.

And who knew it would be over a front door. Oh, don't was good crying. I'm a "leaky person", according to The Farmer. And today...when the door went in...I got a little leaky.

The Farmer just shook his head.

I had no apologies.

Ever since we moved the front door we've had a temporary door. "Dan's Emergency Door" as it's known around these parts. It was taken out of another house (by Dan, of course) and now just makes its way around the area, door to door, when needed for the next construction project.

One of the most amusing things about this door is that everyone...and I mean everyone...thinks it's our real door.

People...did you look at the door? Did you notice the paint sprayed all over it? Did you really think THIS was our new front door.

THIS is our new front door...

The new doors (the side door is new too) arrived a few weeks ago, and The Farmer has been diligently staining them. The doors are fiberglass as a wood door would last about 63 seconds around here with all our wind and rain. I - as usual - obsessed over the doors for weeks. And in the end, I couldn't find a stain color I liked. The doors already were fake wood...we didn't need to amplify this fact! I'm not kidding...the stain colors available from the door companies were hideous.

So we bought the doors unfinished and we have been staining them ever since.

I think The Farmer still loves me, but I think there's been a few swear words attached to my name at times.

Staining itself is not the challenge. It's the taping. And re-staining. And drying. And re-staining. And drying. And flipping. And taping again. etc. etc. It's quite the process.

I got good at taping.

And The Farmer got good at staining.

I don't think we'll be keeping those socks.

Staining fiberglass we discovered isn't hard, it's just frustrating. As you might imagine, the fiberglass doesn't take the stain quite as well as wood. So you find yourself putting on multiple coats. After the second coat on the first door - on a day I was not around (this was important) - The Farmer did an experiment.

In his words he "slathered it on really really thick to the point of thinking you had ruined it. ... And walked away."

After letting it soak in and *almost* dry, he came back and wiped it off. Success! The color stuck.

But I was really glad I wasn't around to see the experiment in progress.

And yes, that is saran wrap. Did I mention The Farmer is an anal as I am? After he painted the frame white he didn't want to get any stain on his new paint. So I taped saran wrap over the sides.

And finally today arrived.

Front Door Day!

And The Farmer has already washed the window.

I told you he was anal.


  1. Lovely! Definitely worth crying over...but what happened to the second sidelight? I'm confused...

  2. The side door has the two sidelights. The front door just has one.
