Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Painting By Moonlight

First things first...I'm not sure I like the blue color of The Jungle House. But for the moment, we are stuck with it. But stuck with it does not mean we aren't working on it. Because yes, we are repainting the

The blue I do not like. But I'm learning to like it.

Part of why I don't like it is because it's peeling and faded and just sorta blah. But as we've painted new siding with brand new paint (yay for the ability to match old paint with new paint) it's growing on me. Really what the problem is is that it's peeling and faded and just sorta blah.

New paint seems to fix it.

Last week in anticipation of the new front porch we needed to paint the bottom section under the overhang that surrounds the front door. We needed the siding that was being covered up to have a fresh coat of paint. Why you ask? Well, it needs to not rot...and paint helps that. (The things you learn when you remodel a house and actually pay attention to every inch of where you live.)

And in typical Farmer & Brunette style...we don't seem to do much typical...we painted by moonlight.

Good thing The Farmer got me a lantern...actually, a CUTE* lantern...for Christmas last year.

*Cute was key. The Farmer makes fun of the fact that I frequently ask if something is cute or say I want something cute. So my was red...and cute.

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