Saturday, June 9, 2012

If These Walls Could Talk

You thought I was done with the upstairs bathroom, didn't you? You figured in a few weeks you'd get the "before" and "after" photos and that would be that.

Oh, you were so wrong.

Of course, we thought we were done. We were excited about the before and after photos, especially because the new tub looks so great in the space already - despite the destruction around it.

We were wrong too.

Because, well, this is what we found when the plumbers made a few holes in the wall along the "outside" of the house:

Pink striped wallpaper...

And a three foot space behind the "outside" wall. That flooring on the bottom of the photo above? That is behind the bathroom wall.

The ultimate hide-n-seek location!

And the ultimate waste of space.

Because if you recall this is a small bathroom with a slanted ceiling. To be fair it's not all that slanted (not like the brown bathroom my grandmother added in her really had to bend over if you were over five feet tall), but three more feet could make a world of difference in this space.

So what did we do?

We went to Ikea!

Farmer quote of the evening: "OK, let's see how long it takes for us to get in an argument."

Because, well, it is Ikea...

I'm happy to report, however, that we didn't argue.

Then again, we stopped after one drawer. Don't tell anyone, but we still have to finish this project; it's sitting in the middle of the blue room, lonely and waiting.

But the rest of the project has moved along nicely.

P.S. You might be wondering why the wall - complete with pink striped wallpaper - is so dark. That's soot from the time one of the previous owners tried to burn the house down.

Oh, wait...

Did I forget to tell you about that?


1 comment:

  1. I can't picture The Farmer ( or any farmer) in IKEA and happy about being there!
