Friday, June 15, 2012

Fleet Week, Farm Edition

The Farmer-in-Laws live right on the Columbia River; they live a mere 15-ish feet from the river's edge. The Jungle House is across the road, on the other side of the dike, but we still can see the ships, barges, and boats throughout the day. The daily parade of ships on the river speaks to today's global market - barges of logs, container ships flying flags from far afield, huge windmill wings that dwarf the ship they sit on...

The Farmer's mother reads the weekly shipping reports, watches the river like a hawk, and revels in taking photos of the day's sights. The world flows by her windows, and she chronicles it daily.

Last week's Fleet Week - a part of Portland's Rose Festival - brought the rare (but annual) sight along the river: the Naval ships and Coast Guard cutters that serve our country. On the way to Astoria on Monday, from the State Park that provides a direct vantage point of the farm, I saw the ships sail by.

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