Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Unexpected Background Noise...Of A Chainsaw

Living on a farm you hear all sorts of machinery noises. But when you hear a chainsaw in your backyard, you take notice. So this morning, as I wrote my upteenth email for the day, when I heard the high pitch din of the chainsaw I had to go investigate.

This is what I found...

Remember when The Farmer had ten minutes and cut down a tree in the front yard?

Yep. It has happened again.

The holly tree in our backyard has found its demise in the hands of an idle Farmer with a few minutes on his hands. Now, to be fair, we had been planning to cut down this tree. A year ago it was almost two stories tall. The Farmer "trimmed" it in half last spring but it didn't quite work. It still looked like this overgrown monstrosity. Alas, it had to go.

I just didn't know this meant before lunch.

Side Note: I particularly like this view.

So, poor holly tree, we bid you adieu.

Of course, now we have a monstrosity of a dog house in plain view.

Perhaps The Farmer can take the chainsaw to that tomorrow.

Or a match.

I know how to use those.

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