Saturday, July 7, 2012

Meeting the Contractor, Bring Your Chainsaw

We were meeting with our contractor on Thursday this week at 9:30, because The Farmer comes in from morning milking "a little after 9:00". "A little after 9:00" I heard the brown truck rattle into the driveway. While The Farmer normally walks the three minutes from the barnyard to The Jungle House, it's also not uncommon for him to drive if he's got an errand to run, in a REALLY BIG hurry, or if he has something to bring over.

My first thought was "Yay/Phew/Wow/Really?" he arrived home on time. Sometimes he doesn't.

My second thought was "Is that a chainsaw?"

Why yes, yes that is...

Because The Farmer decided that morning to take advantage of the 15 minutes between milking and the contractor meeting to cut down a tree.

Isn't that what everyone does when they have 15 minutes to spare?

In case you are worried that The Farmer goes around cutting down random trees, know that we were planning to cut down this particular tree (along with a few others).

I just didn't know it was going to be Thursday.

It looks rather nice, don't you think?

(The before shot, to remind you...)

And yes, the mutant tree on the left in the "after" shot above is also coming down. We just need to let the mama bird and her babies move out first.

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