Tuesday, December 18, 2012

This Is What Happens When You Email Me

I am the recipient of numerous texts that merely state "It's a boy!" or "Girl" or "Twins". You'd think I married a doctor. But no, I just married a farmer. A Farmer who probably knows more about females than I care to acknowledge. Because yes, he surrounds himself with 160 females on a daily basis.

Not all cows are named, which drives me a little bit crazy. OK...a lot bit crazy.

Why does Rolo have a name, but her friend #652 does not? And Sylvia? But no #702 beyond the numbers?

But The Farmer has started humoring me and more are getting names.

I embrace this.

I realize he is humoring me.

And revel in naming them.

Usually my reply to his texts are a suggestion of a name. One that pops into my head at the moment. And at 4:00 in the morning (The Farmer, unfortunately, ignores the clock with these texts) he - and I - are often baffled by what comes out of my head.

A number of my friend's kids have calves named after them. Andrew. Tomas. Oscar. Gerin. Zoe.

And I do too.

I once got a text that said "Girl that begins with V". My replies were all shot down (they'd already been taken, but he didn't share THAT information until later) until I enlisted the help of friends. I think we came up with Velma.

Why V? Because, despite the lack of names for some calves/cows, other family lines have rules. Letters of the alphabet. Sounds like. Goes with.

So "Me First"'s calf becomes "Elua", which is "two" in Hawaiian. Me First, by the way, always likes to be first.

And this past Friday, Wally arrived.

Why Wally?

Well, Wally - my colleague at work - had just emailed me. And so that's what popped in my head. And I was fairly certain we hadn't had a Wally just yet. 

Wally, my colleague, I don't think believes me that he now has a calf named after him.

Perhaps he will now.

Don't you wish you had emailed me last Friday afternoon?

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