Thursday, June 7, 2012

There's Nothing Sexier Than A Wife With A Crow Bar

The above is a quote from The Farmer. Yes, I have a crow bar and I know how to use it.

Sort of.

I got better as the evening of destruction went on, but I still need a little practice. Anyone got a bathroom that looks like this?

Oh, wait. *I* have a bathroom that looks like this.

Or I should say had a bathroom...

Yeah. Remember? I had a crow bar...

And I know how to use it.

Sort of.


So, to back up...

Upstairs we have one of the smallest bathrooms you can find. OK, not the smallest, but really? This house is how many square feet and has a bathroom this size? They just could have spread things out just a little bit.

And not have put in a blue sink.

We knew the bathroom had to go, so we had fun one evening.

And I got to use a crowbar.

I think The Farmer took the crowbar away from me right after this photo. After the "nothin' sexier" comment I think there was a "you are gonna hurt yourself" comment.

This tile, by the way, came up one tile at a time. At least with my crow bar. The Farmer's crow bar seemed to be able to take up more than just one in a single chisel. I want that crow bar next time.

The Farmer also used a saw thing-y. I think The Farmer might cringe when I call it that.

Just like he cringes when I call him "cute".

And then there was the tub.

And more tile.

The Farmer was a little bummed that taking the soap dish off wasn't as dramatic as he thought it would be. I'm not sure what he wanted, but it wasn't that it just came off in one fell swoop into his hand.

And finally, the carpet. Yes, THE CARPET.

It had to go.

And much to our surprise, we found this under that carpet.

We did a little happy dance (it had to be little...we were in the little bathroom) when we saw the tile floor - made up of individual tile - had already been taken up.

This could have been much much worse.

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