Thursday, June 21, 2012

I Love Popcorn, Except On Ceilings

The drywallers finished yesterday, which means (a) I have to start painting today and (b) I have a few updates from the past few weeks to give you all. Because I know you all want to know about the lovely task of scraping the popcorn from the ceilings. And we have a lot of ceilings.

So before I tell you about my obsession over paint colors (Gentle Pasture or Garden of Paradise? Spiced Vinegar or Prairie Dance?), let's back up a bit.

And first give a wonderful shout out to whomever decided that popcorn ceilings were a good idea. Thank you.

OK. Moving on.

Complaining isn't going to fix those ceilings. A little whining might make us feel better though.

The Farmer forgot his hat (this first time in history) on Day One, so he's wearing my pastry dough cloth and a headband.

I don't think I was supposed to tell you that.

It was slow progress on Day One because I was doing something else.

Peeling wallpaper from the kitchen. Because who doesn't love this wallpaper?

The Farmer was unaware that it existed. Truly. OK, he knew there was wallpaper but didn't think anything of it, and wondered why I declared emphatically it was coming down. When I told him I didn't want pink fans in the kitchen he looked at me funny. "It's not pink fans, is it?" Uhh. Yep. It is.

(Not sure how he missed that one...)

By Day Two I convinced him to wear a mask because I told him I didn't want to have two-headed children.

Do not read anything into that statement above.

We look quite cute, I think!

By Day Two we also got a good system down, though I think the contractor was right that we just should have used a garden hose and skipped the spray bottle. I sprayed the water and he came behind and scraped. This worked well in the dining room, but when we got to the library/bedroom (aka old living room), it proved to still be a chore. Apparently someone decided to put the popcorn ceiling on extra thick in these rooms, as well as paint a portion of it. It took four douses of water in each section before we could even start to scrape it.

If you are thinking about painting your popcorn ceiling...don't.

And the irony...

The next day in the hardware store we found this...

And on the shelf above...

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