Tuesday, July 1, 2014

A Walk In The Country (Farming Style)

Hey! Look who it is! The Farmer is meeting me for a walk!

Wait...why is he bringing a shovel?

Oh. Yeah. We live on a farm. And a romantic walk in the country usually involves a non-romantic task.

Such as digging up tansy. 

Tansy is a noxious weed that needs killing. Apparently it needed killing today while on our walk.

But Bonus #1, this walk was better than the one we took a few years ago that was ill-timed with the spraying of the adjoining field. And spraying on a dairy farm does not mean spraying water. It's a more ... organic ... material.

And Bonus #2, we had this beautiful day...

Hello ladies!

And Bonus #3, I had a view like this...

Finally, Bonus #4 included The Herdsman. He looked like this for most of the walk.

Don't worry...we had him covered up with the stroller hood for most of the ride. He didn't like the sun in his eyes. 

But then this happened...

He doesn't like tansy either.

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