Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Co-Pilot

Yesterday was the last day of cutting silage! Woo hoo! Silage typically takes about 14 days...but weather, mechanical troubles, and a myriad of other things can drag that 14 days out longer. Much much longer. 

This year? 13 days of cutting and a day of clean-up. As of noon today, the silage is tarped and ready to be cooked. Let the fermentation process begin!

Per usual, towards the end The Farmer saves out a bit of the cut hay for the littler calves. Because it is such small quantities, we use the pickup and throw it in the bed. 

I get to drive.

And this year, I had a co-pilot!

He looks a bit worried about the task at hand. What's with the furrowed brow??!!?!?!!

Then again, I would be worried too if my daddy tossed hay on my head through the open window.

Oh, and here's the obligatory Farmer's backside photo. 

Minus the a**less chaps.


Those will come later in the summer.

No, really. I wanted photos of the beautiful skies. The Farmer was just the bonus shot. 

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