Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Gnome Did It

The Farmer loves surprises. He often comments that he can't wait until I leave again on a trip so he can do more projects. While I know I'm helpful...I'm good at holding things and handing him tools...and we work well together, there's something The Farmer finds gleefully exciting about surprising me when I come home.

Hey, this girl ain't gonna complain.  

So last week when I was in Portland for the afternoon and got a text adding "dry erase markers" to my shopping list, I figured something was up. 

It was.

I came home to this...

And this...

And this...

And this...

Gotta love The Farmer.

And not just because he hung all these items in my pantry and laundry room. I mean, there is this too

I then promptly broke open my newly purchased dry erase markers and left him a note showing my appreciation.

I also needed him to do one teensy tiny more thing...

Of course, The Farmer has denied involvement in any of these projects. So I blamed Carl, the imaginary boyfriend of our imaginary maid, FiFi. Oh, have I not told you about her? Yes, she is a real imaginary maid.

But, no, Carl wasn't to blame, said The Farmer.

Instead he blamed The Gnome.

Sounds good to me. I'll blame anyone The Farmer wishes if only to have The Gnome complete more projects while I have a leisurely lunch with a friend in the Big City. 

The Gnome did it. In the laundry room. With the drill.

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