Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Moo Report #54: Ramona

Meet Ramona Quimby, Age 8.

Ramona the Brave.

Or in her case...Ramona the Pest.

Now it does drive me crazy that not all calves have names. The Farmer knows this and while I think more have received names since my arrival in his life (thankyouverymuch), I think he not-so-secretly also loves to torment me with calves (and cows) without names.

Number 755 above? Yeah...No Name. (I should have a Name-That-Calf Contest.)

But I'll admit that his reasoning of "you need to see who they are first" makes sense at times. Yes, I was Ramona's case, at least. She got her name last week after she met up with this fence.


Notice anything unique about this fence?

It has an extra post next to the roadside fence.

That post wasn't there last week. It wasn't there when Ramona got her head stuck between the (real/original) post and the fence.


Ramona (the Pest) seemed apropos. 

The Farmer was right...sometimes you just have to wait to find out who they are.

Just don't tell him I said so.

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