Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summer Picnics...Farming Style

Summer, for a number of reasons, is wonderful around here. First, since we live in the Pacific Northwest the chance of rain decreases by at least 5%. Maybe even 10% in August. 

Plus, we have...

and long hours of daylight. 

Oh, and I have vacation! (yes, I don't work in June and July...don't hate me.)

But one of my favorite parts of summer are the picnics The Farmer and I have. Many afternoons during the summer months include lunchtime in a field, talking about our mornings, enjoying the sun. 

Of course, around here the picnics also include:

The brown truck.

Because, well, these picnics (while romantic on their own level) also provide a practical purpose of feeding The Farmer while he is working in the fields, either clipping pasture, cutting hay, or cutting silage. Rather than The Farmer coming in for lunch at the house we have taken to picnics in the back of the brown truck. This means The Farmer doesn't feel quite as rushed or pack a lunch and we get to enjoy the sunshine together for at least a few minutes.

Yesterday was our second picnic of the season (the first was a few weeks ago when he was clipping pasture, but I didn't get any photos of that escapade). And yes, we both climbed into the back of the brown truck to enjoy our lunch of ham sandwiches, carrots, apples, and reception cupcakes.

We warmed up the cupcakes on the top of the hood, as I had pulled them from the freezer. Gotta love leftovers from the party!

Of course, I wore my nice clothes for the occasion.

Every girl wears her barn boots to a picnic, no?

They are quite stylish, I must say. On the other hand, they were a bit hot yesterday as well. Tall plastic boots have a way of trapping the heat. I need to find my combat boots; they are more breezy.

I'm not kidding about the combat boots. Yes, I own a pair.

After the picnic we both hopped out of the brown truck (there are no is not a pretty sight from yours truly) and The Farmer headed off into the sunset field...

Summer picnics on the farm. I'm looking forward to many more in the coming months, brown truck and all.

Our picnic this afternoon is scheduled for 1:30. I need to go polish my barn boots for the date. 

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