Sunday, April 14, 2013

Farmer Quote #19: "If I find a casket, I'm burying it in here."

When you buy a house, especially a Jungle House, there are all sorts of mysteries you discover. One of our mysteries was right next to our back porch, in plain sight. And yet we hadn't "discovered" it until yesterday.

Oh, we knew it was there. We poked it with our feet periodically.

We talked about what it might be.

But we didn't dare try to open it for fear of what we might find. wouldn't have touched it either, I know. It's kinda scary.

Now, for practical purposes, we didn't touch it when the inspector was at the house because we didn't want to have him declare we had to do something about it. I realize this seems backwards, but it was clear it wasn't anything that was currently in use with the house. We *did* miss it even seeing it at first, as it was covered up with brush and weeds and grass. Clearly it was not in use.

But the terms of our home renovation loan stated that we had to have all projects completed within six months for final monetary disbursement. We could start a new project the minute the inspector hit the end of the driveway, but not before. The federal government wanted to be sure we finished what we started. opening the mine shaft.

The secret passageway to China.

The treasure box of hidden gold. this case...the drywell.

And before The Farmer took the top layer of rotten wood off the top of the hole he made the statement of the day:

"If I find a casket, I'm burying it in here."

Thank goodness we didn't find that! I really didn't want to start a unmarked cemetery in my backyard. I mean, we have a deck to build! I don't want the burial site right next to my new bar-be-que! It would ruin the mood of the outdoor parties. 

Plus, it might be a bit illegal.

The Farmer dug out the rotten boards and made sure the hole was cleaned out.

Then he added sand back into the hole. We have a lot of it in our front yard from fixing our septic tank that floated into the middle of our yard this fall.

Oh, I didn't tell you about that, did I?

Yeah...we got pictures. It's not pretty.

But this...*this* is pretty!

OK, it's all in the eyes of the beholder, but when you are renovating, this looks good.

Real good.

But I'm just glad we didn't have to perform a funeral for any uncovered caskets that might have been hiding in the mysterious hole in the backyard.

It would have put a total damper on the afternoon.

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