Monday, January 28, 2013

How Many Photos Does It Take To Install A Doorbell?


But don't worry, I won't spare you with all of them. (Some of them didn't turn out very well.)

Let's just say I was quite excited about our Sunday afternoon project. Our doorbell.

Now it's only been sitting in the box for over a month. Right by the front door. So I guess if you imagined really hard, we had a doorbell. But no, not really.

I full admit a doorbell is not a necessity. We all have hands. We can knock.  The first doorbell was not invented until 1881.

But you have to admit, a doorbell is quite nice.

I mean, look at that skinny little white box to the left of my front door!

And yes, we still have our Christmas swag up. 

Don't judge.

Our blue icicle lights are up too, if you must know. The Farmer says he's waiting until it snows so he can take a picture. 

Did you know we live in Washington? Yeah...we don't really get snowy winters. These lights may be up until our White Dress Party, Part Two in May. Then I'll make him take them down. By force.

Back to the doorbell. Doesn't it look nice? I think so.

And yes, I took 22 photos of the installation.

The Farmer was not pleased. 

I think he swore at this point. And not because he drilled a hole in his thumb or anything. It might have been directed at the camera. Might have.

Our doorbell is faannnnnccccy. You can choose between two different chimes. We chose the Winchester eight-tone, which means it sounds nice when you ring it. (OK, it's a little pretentious, but whatever.) It also means you have to take our all these teency tiny little pins to create the tones.

The Farmer had to use tweezers.

Of course he didn't tell me about this part of the install (I might have been busy taking photos) when I could have helped. Have you seen The Farmer's hands? Yeah. My thumb is smaller than his pinky.

I'm not kidding.

The chime pins went into a ziplock baggie to be added to our "House Parts" bin. No severed arms or legs in there, just chime pins and the drain piece for the freezer and...

And while The Farmer was doing minor surgery with the tweezers I was picking out the location of the doorbell box.

The Farmer first suggested to put the box in the middle of the front door wall.

And I mean the middle.

Yeah. No. I think he was kidding.

I hope he was kidding.

So...blogging fans...where do you think we put it?

Option #1: Above the hall closet?

Option #2: In the far corner of the entry, above the secretary?

Option #3: In the corner of the dining room, above the doorframe to the hall?

Option #4: Above the same doorframe but from the other side, looking into the dining room?

Option #5: In the corner of the dining room/entry beams?

Yeah. The Farmer thought up that last one. It made no sense to me either.

The winner?

Option #3! Above the doorframe of the dining room!

Doesn't it look nice? It sounds nice too.

And yes, The Farmer used a level.

Be still my heart.

Of course, he loses points every time he has "rung and dashed" in the past two days.

And yes, I am keeping count.

1 comment:

  1. Annalei, you are an ENTIRE crack-up and should be making MONEY from your clever writing! Your house looks beautiful and we are jazzed about the May EVENT. xxoo
