Monday, December 10, 2012

1,000 Geese A Laying

We do live on a dairy farm, but right about now we have a different sort of animal also on the farm. Normally in my backyard I look into the eyes of a heifer who is guiltily eating my rose bushes and eyeing my yard. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, even for a cow.

But now the cows are inside for the winter and I have a different view out my kitchen window.

What are you looking at, you ask?

Let me get a bit closer...

Still not sure?

Yep...the farm is a stop-over for geese on their way south. Lots of geese.

And when they fly, it's pretty magnificent to watch.

As I walked to the barnyard Saturday morning they were flying around and I did a quick estimate count. We're closing in on 1,000. 

Minus a we also have a half-dozen hunters in our backyard too. We are also quite popular with that crew, if you can imagine. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the if you could just shoo those hunters away...
