Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lost in the Jungle

The outside of the Jungle House is, well, jungle-y.

As someone who has over 250 acres (The Farmer would like to clarify that 100 of those acres he rents; he likes to give credit where credit is due) of mostly open land, I find it kinda funny that The Farmer now owns the Jungle House with the myriad of 27 trees, 183 shrubs, and 1,622 plants.

OK, that might be a bit of an exagerration. Maybe.

Standing on the front parking pad, you can see trees numbered one through nine...and at least one shrub...

Trees nine and ten. Shrubs three and four. Oh, and five back there along the house!

 The driveway is wide and paved...just watch out for the scraggly tree branches that might clip the car roof...

Check out our fruit trees! (Trees #11-21ish)

Now we just needed to figure out what sort of trees we had. We've identified a pear-apple, a cherry, an apple, and a kiwi so far.

There's a very large compost pile - someone else's compost - behind this tall shrub-tree-thing.

At this point, most people would have been headed back down the overgrown driveway, lined with unidentified shrubs #55-63. (And note the mini rock garden that consumes the front lawn.)

Us? We decided to go in for a closer look.

Because shrub number three looks much better up close.

By the way, those signs state - in two languages - to stay away. I'm not sure they were necessary. 

Perhaps we should have read the signs before we went in.

We didn't use the front door. According to The Farmer, no one ever used the front door. I can see why.

Oh, did I forget to mention that The Farmer grew up across the street from this house and owns the 150 acres surrounding it? Yep. Now you know why we are still taking photos and ignoring the "Keep Out" signs. The Street of Dream house was not in the middle of The Farmer's field, so we found our way to The Jungle House...because it was in the middle of his field. But hey, we have 1,622 plantings...noxious and otherwise. Often the Street of Dreams houses still need landscaping completed. We're already set.

Since we didn't use the front door, we used the back door. And saw the backyard first.

In case you missed it (you aren't really reading, just reveling in the amazing photos and shaking your head), let me remind you that The Farmer owns all the land around The Jungle House.

See the fence? He owns the grass on the other side. (I think I was supposed to call that a pasture.)Sometimes there are cows hanging out by the fence, but more on that later.  

A dog house!

I'm afraid of dogs. I need to remind The Farmer of this fact.

Nice placement for the septic tanks. Quite convenient for all. (And there are two more on the other side of the house, just as discreetly disguised by the pretty white fencing.)

And yes, even after noting the highly convenient septic tank we went in...

Oh, more on The House itself later!

But in case you were wondering what the Jungle looks like from the inside, this is the front yard (trees numbered three through eight, for your reference point).

The backyard, from inside the pool room; the 1970s pool room to be more precise. (You are excited to see that, aren't you?) It has wonderful big windows on three sides. A sun room! OK, almost a sun room, because it's not very sunny.

And finally the dining room (which isn't near the kitchen, by the way) with more floor to ceiling windows, along with floor to ceiling shrubs.

Commentary on the pink carpet to come later.

Because yes, we bought The Jungle House. 183 shrubs and all.

I also bought The Farmer a hedge trimmer for his birthday.

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