Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Farmer's Holiday

Today is November 11th and a holiday celebrating Veterans. The Farmer would like to take time out of his busy schedule and thank all the men and women who have served in our military services to protect our freedoms, with great sacrifice from them and their families.

So how busy was The Farmer on this holiday?

He left the house at 4:00am this morning to bottle feed his baby calves so he could start milking by 5:00am. After milking, the cows were fed and the veterinarian showed up at 9:00am for the cows' monthly herd health check. The barn was cleaned after the veterinarian left and The Farmer was home by 1:00pm for lunch. During lunch The Farmer fielded several farm-related phone calls and still managed to take a 15 minute nap.

At 2:00pm The Farmer was back to work, feeding the heifers and bottle feeding the calves in order to start milking at 4:00pm. During the evening milking The Farmer was interrupted by two dairy supply salesmen and a farm equipment dealer. After milking, the cows needed to be fed and The Farmer made it home for dinner at 7:30pm. After a quick dinner he went to a Diking District meeting at 8:00pm to discuss annual budget review and property acquisitions. He was home by 9:00pm to check on the cows - yes, there is "lights out" even for the cows - one more time before heading to bed.

Tomorrow The Farmer repeats his normal routine and will meet the grain truck before 4:00am, the milk truck at 8:00am and the shaving truck (bedding for the cows) at 10:00am, and shoot the breeze (aka conduct business) with any other unscheduled visitors.

On this "holiday" The Farmer would also like to thank the farmers who keep America rolling and to thank those individuals who keep the farmers rolling.

~The Farmer~